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PHANTASMAGORY - "Anamorphosis Of Dreams" album 2002

1. Disharmaphasy (Intro)

2. Subconsciousness
3. Ancient Sun
4. Sundown
5. Anamorphosis Of Dreams
6. Dawn
7. Inspiration
8. Worthless Nonsense (Outro) (1:23)


When close my eyes time is moving back. I am attempt to disguise.
And space stretch out in line. I feel the coalescence of million spheres. They call me behind themselves .
I escape. The megaflow dictates the laws of chaos, changing philosophy of human world outlook. 
The sundered worlds crying with pain, calling in question existence of a subconscious mind.
They are dying. The Universe is disintegrated on moleculas in me. The Universe born again in my head.
I see the pulsing of geometrical figures and arithmetic progressions in the sky. 
The new dimensions of a subconscious mind indicate a path to equilibrium. I am closer and closer.
I’m here. When I wake up tomorrow, I shall forget all. I shall start from stratch and close my eyes again .

Ancient Sun

Ancient sun asked him a question:
"Do you stay with me?
What's the real reason for your depression?"
He answered: "I can not see
 the real world and I don’t want
 to live in the afterworld like divine
I hope to see my young sun
 and my sun will shine"
The sun: I’ll show to you the paints and spectras
I’ll show to you the new world
I’ll show you the  Times and spaces
 in which you can behold. 
I don’t want to disappear or will turn in a rust
I have desire to hear and it comes  last 
I want to see my young shining sun 
I have desire to live and i'm not  only one 
Where my light? Where my site?
 Where my tide, which is poured through time?
Where my face? Where my trase?  Where my path  to the dead-line?
Ancient sun asked him a question:
"Do you stay with me?
What's the real reason for your depression?"
He answered: "I can not see
the real world and I don’t want
to live in the afterworld like divine
I hope to see my young sun
and my sun will shine"
Ancient sun asked him a question:
"Do you stay with me?
I do not believe,
that only death is real.
The life enables to 
dream, to think, and to feal
Let me leave this world
Let me choose and hold
Hold my mind and choose my way
Better, than wait till doomsday
Ancient sun, I killing you !
this is the most I can do
I don’t want to disappear or will turn in a rust
I have desire to hear and it comes  last 
I want to see my young shining sun 
I have desire to live and i'm not  only one


Sundown. The life approaches to the end. Process of attenuation to not stop. 
The time announces the end of cycle. The space submits to this end.
Sundown. How many pass. How many made. But reliance  
that all for naught  does not leave for one second.
Oblivion-gift. Gift of clearing. But that is free only who is able to use
by freedom.   
Infinite way to the purpose. It’s only illusion.
 How many   time it is necessary to understand it.
Voices. Faces. Eternally. Feelings. Endless.   In a circle.
Voices. Faces. Eternally. Feelings... Endless. Timeless.
Time. Time to stop. To stop for ever.
Time. Time to leave from a field of fight. Fight for life.
The fight is not finished. Life is not lose. It is necessary to make last step. 
Last breath. Last look. Last jerk.

The images, visions merge in substation. What it? Can be intoxication.
Is not present. It’s  anamorphasy. Anamorphasy of dreams.
The world has died. All, that remained is only sundown. 
Last memoirs about for a long time left. 
When the dreams were not so are real, and reality not such flexible.


Dawn… the First beams of light, emit by the sun, reach the
Earth as the child leaves from mother’s maw.

Dawn… the Life is ready to make the first breath and time it is authorized to go.
The death of nothing will be prolonged only per day.
The time for life will move only up to decline.
Thorny path. Long day. Bright light. Long life.
Reality materialize, filling empty places.
Moving forward, understand, that development of a matter - overall objective
of the individual. Sometimes dreams, that the first beams do not reach of the Earth,
and the fetus will not appear on world. Sometimes emptiness fills in reason,
as a black hole, not permitting to feel.
Sometimes sight does not give to distinguish colours, entrusting feelings to guesses,
And only hearing allows to hear singing birds.
Changing speed of a beam and splitting its vector, we fill space with a matter, destroying it.
The danger of the conflict is inevitable.
The conceiving flesh searches for borders of infinity, measuring immeasurable -
with each dawn it is ever more and more.

Door in other world - new understanding of life. Without dawn and decline,
without life, without death…

Whether it is the purpose of existence?
But there can be another!?
The door is open. The step is made. What next? The sight is adjusted on new colours.
Look back! Also will see the one who looks at all of us.
But recollect: the death of nothing will be prolonged only per day.
The time for life will move only up to decline.
Thorny path. Long day. Bright light. Long life.
Desire to live is dominates. Whether it is possible to prolong dawn, overstep through decline?
Thorny path. Long day. Dim light. Short life.
Desperately trying to reconstruct a beginning, understand, that the time is missed.
Last sigh give back on creation of new life new reason.
Not copies, but continuation!
Dawn… the First beams of light, emit by the sun, reach the Earth.
And the child leaves from mother’s maw.
Dawn… the Life is ready to make the first breath and time it is authorized to go.
It’s the law.


Whether I’ll outlast 10 years or die from accident?
Whether there will be correct this death?
Whether I’ll cover around of the Earth or tire halfway?
Who will answer my questions? What it price?
I go and i look on the dark night sky - it’s silent.
It’s silent all my life, but it is so perfect, that it confirms, that the sky is not dead.
I look on it all time. It is sense of my life, my inspiration.
The powerful impact has shaken the Earth. The large stone has fallen on it.
It’s a comet, splinter of a far star.
Whether a sign it? Is it pabulum for my inspiration?
Whether I can find out more?
Whether a sign it? Who will answer this question?
Whether I can approach the place of fall? Than I am closer, the more difficult is to go.
It is terrible, but I continue to move.
Than I am closer, the more difficult is to breathe. I am  sick, but I continue to move.
Whether I’ll live 10 minutes or die from accident?
Whether there will be correct this death?
Whether I cover 5 steps or tire halfway?
 Who will answer my questions? What it price?
I go and I look on the crimson sky. It shouts.
And I still did not have of doubts, that it alive.
I cast a look on the purpose of my way.
 I almost near to it.
Still slightly … I at the purpose.
What I see? It is incredible!
The girl inside an ice sphere! She so is perfect, as fairy from sweet dreams.
 "Who are you? ", - I ask. "I your Muse", - answers she.
"Release me. Only think of it, and I’m free ".
And she  already near to me. " Take energy from this planet and create the new world.
Create, and I shall inspire you ".
 I create the New world, more perfectly, than was.
 My Muse with me.
 She directs me to the necessary channel.
Also there are no questions, on which I would not know the answers.

PHANTASMAGORY - "Odd Sounds" album 1999

1. The Labyrinth Of Thinking
2. Echos Of Depression Whirlwind
3. Allegory
4. Hero
5. Everlasting Change
6. Weird Sounds
7. Disharmagory

PHANTASMAGORY - "Phantasmagoria" demo 1997

1. Moment Of Despair (Intro)
2. Cosmogony
3. Project
4. Evolution
5. Frustration
6. On The Verge Of Insanity
7. Phantasmogoria


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